Friday, January 1, 2021

Converting Red Hand of Doom to Pathfinder 2e

I'm currently running my first ever long-term Pathfinder 2e campaign! We just finished The Fall of Plaguestone, and - after some brief interlude adventures where they explore a city for the first time, go on a quest to help their newest party member keep an old rival off his back, and make jokes about the Oregon Trail - they'll be moving onto The Red Hand of Doom! It's a classic D&D adventure that I've wanted to run for years, and it seemed like a very natural progression from Plaguestone (I just replaced the Orcs with Hobgoblins, sent to gain weapons to use in the coming war).

The main project of this blog is to document that conversion! It will include two main aspects:

  1. Strict mechanical conversions of RHoD material, along with my why I make the choices I did
  2. Homebrew things I'm adding to the game, either adding to / editing the adventure or homebrew rules that I'll be using to fulfill a certain need
So far, I've been working on updating the 4th edition minion rules to pf2, to keep normal Hobgoblins relevant as the party continues to out-level them and give the players that awesome feeling of cutting through enemy after enemy with ease, and developing more fleshed-out Wilderness Travel rules than currently exist in the system (with a focus on travel time, because of how important the timeline is to the adventure, and creating meaningful decisions that relate to that). I'll likely be creating / re-skinning some stat blocks as well, to flesh out the Red Hand agents.

Hopefully, at the end of it, I'll have a complete document (or set of documents) that other folks can use if they want to run RHoD in pf2. It won't replace having the physical module, of course, but hopefully will be a complete mechanical conversion including any new/reskinned monsters and rules. I might work on some other things here too - a few months ago I converted Matt Colville's The Delian Tomb to pf2, and have been kicking around ideas for expanding it a bit based on feedback, and I might upload less focused essays/ramblings from time to time as well. Otherwise, that's all for now folks! 

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