Sunday, January 3, 2021

Red Hand of Doom in Pathfinder 2e: Masterpost

Project Finished! It's been over 3 years (due to my group for this game falling apart due to scheduling), but at long last this conversion is complete! I still have a few more posts planned, and will likely come up with more as we go (my new group is transitioning from FoP to RHoD at the end of February!), but you can now run the campaign by the book in PF2 with just what's written here.

As a note: This conversion starts at level 4, rather than level 5, because a lot of the creatures the adventure includes are lower level foes that won't really challenge the players as they get higher in levels. It also makes it easier to run straight after The Fall of Plaguestone if you want!

Also worth noting that while the docs linked below are great if you just want the mechanics, the posts themselves have not only reasoning but also thoughts on expanding or running the material. The Drellin's Ferry post for example has a whole fleshed out side-quest!

Conversion Posts


Resource Posts

  • RHoD Collected Links
  • Overland Travel (doc)
  • Minions (WIP Document) - I ended up just using troops (they hadn't existed in PF2 when I made this doc), so I probably won't finish this, but if you like minions better feel free to use this as a base!
  • Companions

Meta Posts

In order to help GMs who are using my additions, rather than just the pure conversion, here are all the posts organized by section! Note that I've repeated a few of them if they could be useful in more than one section.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really looking forward using the great work you've put into this. Kudos! 😃


PF2 Structure Part 4 - Other Scenario Structures

Go to Part 1 The Ring Goes South to Mordor Hey folks! In our last article , we talked about what I consider to be the best example of Scenar...