Thursday, February 8, 2024

RHoD Settlement - Brindol

RHoD Masterpost

Lord Jarmaath
Hey folks! Today we'll be going through the city of Brindol - full document here! I'm probably going to add to this later on, my players are actually starting RHoD now so I'm feeling the time pressure!

The Basics

Brindol is a big city - Level 8! It has built in factions, several places to learn rumors about them, and enough shops to keep most parties occupied for a while.


There are basically 2 major factions in the city.

Lord Kerden Jarmaath rules the city. His lieutenant Captian Lars Ulvereth commands the Lion Guard. Jarmaath is the not-so-secret lover of Shining Servent Tredora Goldenbrow, leader of the most powerful church in the city (of either Pelor or Sarenrae depending on your setting). Some nobles support Jarmaath as well (such as the Haskinars, who have long feuded with House Kaal).

Opposing Jarmaath is Lady Verrasa Kaal, leader of a wealthy merchant family, who is owed favors from almost everyone of import in the city and caches them in as seldom as possible to seem beneficent (though some say she's simply saving up for something big). She is opportunistic, always willing to snatch up new talent. One such talent is Rillor Paln, her not-so-secret lover and leader of the Black Knives. They are a criminal gang that primarily operates in the surrounding countryside (maybe they're the bandits that Lady Dagger is working with!), but they have their uses for Lady Kaal.

I think there's a ton of room for more faction play if you want to spend more time in the city! But keeping it as a simple binary, with more or less two sides (but some level of complexity), will work for many groups.


There's only one inn listed, the Stone Wyvern. I think there could be room to add more, but not a huge deal. This probably means that frequent travelers like merchants likely stay with noble allies instead.

There are, however, 3 taverns! Each of them a potential lead to different types of side quests and factions.

  • The Thirsty Zombie. Cheap, disreputable, can bribe patrons for underworld rumors. Great source for (sketchy) jobs. Might be useful for finding a fence or specific underworld figures, but there's always a risk of attracting the wrong sort of notice!
  • The Craven Raven. Too nice for most adventurers, but a great inroad to the merchant class and the more rowdy nobles (the Teskerwill children in the military might bring other high ranking soldiers here, and the Haskinars likely spend much time here).
  • The Laughing Manticore. Middling cost, perfect for most adventurers! Run by a crime boss, but illicit conversation is explicitly forbidden. He prefers to listen and observe those that might interfere with or become assets for his work.

Remember that everything should get more expensive as the Horde gets closer, and that everyone will be evacuated by the time that the Battle draws nigh!


My personal preference is discrete, themed shops with inventory lists, rather than making the players flip through archives of Nethys and picking whatever they want. They can still do that, if they want to spend time at the Market or do their own crafting, but in my experience players appreciate having a little guidance. It's also a great way to bring out themes!

  • Brindol Market. The way to get anything not listed, but it is inconsistent.
  • Shanks Shivs. Primarily weapons, but they can do armor too. They've got a great selection, and can craft silver and magic weapons!
  • Red Magic and Sundries. Has a TON of potions and alchemical items, and a decent amount of other wizardly goods. The sheer volume cements Immerstal the red as essential to the city, and ensures the party will almost certainly meet him or Alandri.
  • Shrine of Yondalla/Chaldira. Primarily items focused on mobility (with a skeleton key thrown in there). I tried to keep it 
  • Cathedral of Pelor/Sarenrae. The most classic healing items, with a mix of healing and divine smiting.
  • Temple of Wee Jas/Pharasma. Items themed to death, dying, and Pharasma herself!

Remember that inventory will likely grow sparse as the Horde approaches, and shops will close as the Battle draws nigh! (Other than Shanks Shivs, which will largely be focused on supplying the army but might be persuaded to help proper Heroes).

Life in the City

Like with Drellins Ferry, it can be very valuable to make your players invested in Brindol before they have to defend it! 

I will probably expand this section at some point, but for now:

  • More inns (if they are interestingly different) could lead to fun choices!
  • More faction play! What are the various churches up to? How do they get along? The halfling goddess Chaldira loves her people standing up to bullies - who are the halflings standing up to? What other nobles, mercenaries, etc. would partake in the faction game?
  • More threats! What lurks in the darkness? Is there a vampire hunting people? What strange cults have what strange plans? What are the Black Knives actually up to?

In the interest of posting this quickly while working on Part 5 and beginning to run and flesh out sandbox stuff for Part 1, I'm gonna leave it there for now, but I will likely return to it as my players approach Brindol!

Next - 5A: The Fane of Tiamat

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