Thursday, December 7, 2023

SoT Book 4 Chapter 1 - Part 3: A Grand Finale

Part 1: Recap / Review

While the goal of the PCs in Chapter 4 is to win over the leaders of Mzali, they were not the only ones with that goal. The Aspis Consortium, a cabal of liars and murderers, stalked them at every turn, seeking to turn their values against them and choke all trade to the Sunlit City in their greed.

I wish I had written part 2 sooner, and used it in my campaign. Even so, as the PCs moved ever closer to their goal, their last desperate attempts to stop the PCs turned the finale from dry and lifeless to epic. And, of course, I could not help but breathe new life into the meeting with Walkena - surely entreating a god face to face should be a powerful experience!

Aspis Attacks

The night before our heroes were to meet with Walkena, the Aspis Consortium set fire to their building, as well as that of M'bele (who the PCs had allied with). They had cased the buildings for weeks, and the PCs had a chance to stop them, but ultimately opted to wait and see.

Two of our heroes stayed awake through the night, the party Rogue with the ring of sustenance from Book 2 and the party Ranger due to his Rain Scribe studies. The Ranger saw the arsonists before they struck - only 2 agents, as they were not confident in attacking the party's fortified stronghold, especially not with the legendary Mafika with them - but the Ranger opted to rouse the party instead of striking. By the time everyone was awake, the fire was at full blaze.

While most of our heroes split their efforts between evacuating the building (of both teachers and gear) and destroying the center passage so that one tower might be spared, the Ranger wildshaped into an Elk and raced across the city towards where his alarm on M'bele's door had been tripped, and where a second plume of smoke soon rose in the cool night air. He charged in, scattering the agents long enough for the Jackal Guard to secure the scene, saving M'bele and most of his delegation.

After a night spent packed onto couches, cushions, and sometimes just the floor in the house gifted them by Wekesa, the core delegations made their way to the temple for their final meeting with Walkena. As they neared, however, their carts took a sharp corner straight into a barricade! From the rear came Florenzia and 3 agents, but despite heavy injuries on both sides our heroes drove them off - still, how did they know the party's route? Because they travelled by cart, the other ambushers on foot were unable to keep pace, and the delegations arrived at last in the golden temple where they were quickly ushered into a chamber of prayer and preparation.

From the Tomb of Emun-Rah, by Tom Cartos

As the midday sun rose, the statue of Walkena glowed with the light of the sun, mirroring the light the god king himself was sharing with his people in their noon prayers all throughout Mzali. Our heroes, wanting to respect the traditions and religion of the city, bowed in the traditional prayerful supplication. All but the rogue, who did not trust this peace. Indeed, she was right to fear, for as the sunlight burst two shadowy figures slipped into the room - Nera, the only member of Aspis stealthy enough to hide in the temple for if the party survived the ambushes outside, and one of Worknesh's undead minions - and soon the sacred pool ran with blood. The battle was fierce and deadly. Most of the heroes came within a hair of death, saved only by the aid of M'bele and the intervention of the Jackal Guards at the prayer's close, until Nera at last fell to their blades.

Audience with the Child King

Ushered by a horrified Nkiruka, our heroes are led outside and up a series of golden, translucent stairs of shimmering light - an opulent display of Walkena's power. The masses of Mzali stand watching in every corner - while the midday prayers are over, the city has not returned to its business, but watched with rapt attention. As they reach the top, they are almost blinded by the light radiating from the top of the temple. Atop a golden throne sits Walkena in his full splendor - a golden crown and the finest clothes covering withered flesh that burns with the light of a thousand thousand suns.

Nkiruka whispers to the players: "Each of you will be expected to speak at least once, but be careful - the whole city listens. Walkena is wise, but also is he mighty. The sun burns as well as nurtures, and its wrath knows no bounds."

Note: The quoted text is what I read out for Walkena, the Deathless Child - it ended up following my outline pretty closely! I've more or less summarized the PCs responses in italics though.

"Why stand you so covered in blood? Whose life essence stains your fine clothes?"

The players responded that it is their own blood, in part, but also the blood of those that sought to sully this sacred compact with treachery.

"Who would dare strike at those bearing the whole seal of the Mighty Walkena, the Deathless Child, He Who Rains Fire, Destroyer of Bringer of the Seven Angry Suns and Protector of the Realm?"

It is the Aspis Consortium, they say!

"Traitors! Defilers! Let none in Mzali give them aid or succor, let their bodies wither to husks under the light of the sun. Is this then proof that outsiders are not to be trusted, that those from outside the Expanse can only bring corruption and pain?"

Surely not all are bad! [Check! DC 30 Diplomacy] The players succeeded, focusing more on outside cultures within the Mwangi Expanse, but extending that to non-Mwangi people when prompted.

[Success] "Indeed, you show great wisdom, as you have shown throughout your time here. Let the oathbreakers cower and flee in shame and disgrace - never again shall you set foot in our lands. Ever shall the sun curse your skin and the air choke your lungs. Let any who aid them share their fate. But may the light of the sun light the way for those who would keep the faith."

[Failure] "Nay, I say, those from beyond our jungles cannot be trusted. Let all those born outside the Expanse who bear not my holy seal flee this city in shame and disgrace. Never again shall oathbreakers or colonizers set foot in our lands. Those that try will find the air, the grass, the trees turn against you, and the sun ever a curse upon your skin."

"Surely, your victory over the traitors shows your favor! You have worked long and hard for this city, entreating the loyal servants of Mzali. Tell me, how benefits Mzali from your proposed trade?"

The Party outlined their plan, in collaboration with M'bele (this mostly wasn't in character, as the PC who did most of that didn't want to think about economics which is fair - the checks she'd made to work with M'bele served as enough work here)

"Indeed! The Empire must grow and expand, and trade shall make it mighty indeed. But how from an exchange of culture? Is not our history proud and mighty? Will not outside ideas corrupt and degrade our traditions?"

[Possible check, DC 30, based on approach - don't bother for a good argument] I didn't require a check, since my players pretty successfully outlined how cool Mzali culture is, though they also focused on how potentially beneficial outside cultures could be - something Walkena steamrolled over. Walkena did make one PC who hadn't spoken up yet contribute - "What say you, child of the mountains?"

[Success] "You speak truly. The history of Mzali stands proud and mighty indeed - no outside power could dare corrupt it! We need not fear it so long as our traditions are kept and our spirits our pure. The cleansing light of the sun shall ever watch the people for corruption so that their souls are kept clean."

[Failure] "Nay, I say, we need only our own tried and tested traditions - while trade shall make us strong, we will share our ways with the outside world, and not the other way around."

"So I have spoken, and so it shall be. Truly, you have done well in  your efforts for this city, and I find much agreement in your aims. Still, I must command one more show of loyalty to ensure that you are trustworthy in your aims." From behind the throne, several large stone tablets fly high above you all, each blazing with a different color of fire. "These ancient tablets of fire, found by my loyal servants, foretold of my rise and liberation of Mzali long before I had awoken. I would have you recover their like from a site my attendants shall show you, that we might use their knowledge to guide our city into its bright future!"

"Go then, with the blessing of the sun at your backs. Your efforts shall long be remembered by our great city - long shall Mzali reign!" The assembled city bursts into cheers for their god, and for this change! Perhaps this their is hope for a brighter future for all.

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